Novi Sad, 26. June – 17. July 2022.

Nationalism is an ideology of banality. Nationalism is a totalitarian ideology. Nationalism is, above all, paranoia. Collective and individual paranoia. As a collective paranoia, it is a consequence of envy and fear, and ultimately a consequence of a loss of one’s individual consciousness.
From an interview for the periodical “Ideje”, 1973 .
Nationalism is an obstacle to the development of humans as individuals and of society as a whole.
History, as bitter as it may be, is a reality that each and every day continues to affect our present and our future.
In an address in Jerusalem, 7 June 1973
The Germans must bear responsibility. But responsibility is not the same as guilt. Those who do not feel guilty and are not guilty of the Nazi crimes nevertheless cannot escape the consequences of a policy, which a far too large part of the German people had willingly joined.
In his book “Verbrecher und andere Deutsche” (“Criminals and the other Germans”), 1946
The Holocaust was an unprecedented crime that forever changed the face of Europe.
The destruction of the past is perhaps the greatest of all crimes.
“The Need for Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties Towards Mankind,” 2003.
Presenting a partial truth by distorting, manipulating, and politicizing the history of the Holocaust and other crimes is worse than telling complete lies.
The unintentional diaries kept by countless people will give posterity an accurate impression of what ordinary people experienced during the years of war and occupation.
Statement in the radio program, December 1945.
Faced with the horrific crimes of the Second World War, we established common European values of civil rights, respect for human dignity, and democracy.
This past must emerge from the museums in order to become a source of inspiration.
UNESCO in Mexico, July 29, 1982
The culture of remembrance, and all other elements of our national cultures, are an inseparable part of the shared European experiences and cultural heritage.